One of the hardest parts about this past year was feeling the mild optimism that my therapist convinced me to carry heading into 2021 flake away each month. She got me on her side with logic — 2020 was so bad that things had to get better — and I will not be fooled a second time. Maybe 2022 will be great, but it should have to prove its intentions before we commit to any resolutions, lest we become better people while the world is still crumbling around us.
I'm pretty lazy at heart, so it feels natural for me to make no changes in my life. But if you're a more productive person, you may struggle with the idea of continuing in your current state with the only goal of survival. I am not telling you not to make a resolution if you think it will help you. But I am here to provide you with New Year's resolution anti-motivation — tweets, TikToks, movie quotes and more that will make you say, "2022, let's see how things go."
"It's high time the world started changing to suit ME. I don't see why I should do all the changing around here."
I've pondered this quote often since first reading it as a kid. Calvin was wise beyond his years.
"Try to make [your resolutions] realistic this time, because you're not going to have a summer body. ... What about you say stuff like you're not going to cry two days in a row?"
A little tough love from influencer JJCaba goes a long way.
"No new years resolutions. It is the circumstances turn to improve."
Almost 190,000 people liked this tweet, so it's fair to consider it a movement.
"I decided to take control of my life and start a diary to tell the truth about Bridget Jones."
OK, this quote could almost be inspirational, but I'm counting it because, even if you haven't seen the movie, you can guess how her resolutions go...
"I made a resolution to floss, and I did it. 12:01, Jan. 1, BAM! Blood everywhere."
If you're going to make a New Year's resolution for 2022, I recommend setting the bar lower than Michael Scott's.
"My 2022 resolutions are get hot and don't die."
While I agree with the sentiment here, I am flexible on the first point.
"How to make a New Year's resolution: Make a resolution that you won't make any New Year's resolutions. Then you'll always keep it."
This TikTok is from 2017, but the logic holds up.
"2020: Meet someone new every day. 2021: Talk to anyone else, not just the voices in your head."
2022: Ask the voices in my head questions about themselves instead of being so self-involved.
"2022 is a year that we're going into. It's the year after 2021. It is 365 days, so we'll see what happens. You can't be too sure."
One thing I am sure of is that I will continue spend most of my time in pajamas on my couch until there's a really good reason not to.
"No more main character energy for 2022. ... Let someone else do the self-reflection and growth part thank you."
Taking this one step farther, I'd actually prefer to be an extra in 2022.
"No new year's resolution this year as I've recently discovered I'm perfect and I require no changes."
If you take one thing away from this article, let it be this: However you're choosing to approach 2022 is perfect and requires no changes, just like you.